I have spent an amazing month in Chile and parts of me wish to never go home, and other parts can't wait! I have met some of the most incredible friends and had some of the most amazing moments of my life including climbing the Cerro Manquehue, eating Arabic food and "lengua de vacca", tasting all the good drinks and wine, conversations with people where I was able to practice my Spanish and actually hold my own. I love the energy and the people of Santiago and Chile, and to all my friends around the world. Because of these relationships I have learned so much about myself. It has been an experience that I recommend to everyone. I will be coming back to enjoy the great country in total sometime in the future.
While climbing this hill, and I mean climbing, not hiking, I thought I would never make it to the top. It was so slippery and muddy and there were points where you had to climb rocks and figure out how to get to the next step while not knowing if it was sturdy or if it would be the cause of my destruction. But arriving at the top was one of the most rewarding experiences someone can have in a lifetime, along with my friend from Brasil, "Louis". When he asked me to take a picture of him with the mountains in the background, he than just said breathlessly "that was the best picture of my life." This statement made a much bigger impact on me than he or I realized at that moment, but thinking about it minutes later while taking in and cherishing this view something changed. See, Louis doesn't speak very good English or Spanish so my communication with him was limited and difficult, but when he said that about the best photo he has ever had, I witnessed someone else's bliss or happiness beyond measure. He was planning to do other things that day but decided to ask him to come along with us. He said he has never hiked but wanted to try something different. Knowing that, this experience was so rewarding for him, it became even more rewarding for me. He and I will most likely never see each other again, but I know that this is a moment that neither of us will ever forget, a moment that changes a person view in life and helps them understand more and these are the moments people search for in a lifetime!
The commentaries are so big and extravagant, really like nothing i have ever seen.
And of course the reason I came here...to earn and receive this...I feel very good and accomplished and will only improve my Spanish.
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